Saturday, December 1, 2007

This was one of the first 3d models that I ever
created. It was modeled after a Honda Motorcycle
that I found online, mostly done in nurbs. I wanted
to experiment with nurbs because everyone kept
telling me how much easier polygons are, yet most
people say that organic, curvy objects (like a
motorcycle) are best modeled with nurbs.
The texture were a lot of fun on this model. I had
a lot of trouble finding or creating an effective glass
texture for a winshield, because regular glass does
not have the same thickness or curvature as glass
used for a windshield. I used an anisotropic texture
with a granite overlay and eventually came up with
this nice, sparkling blue.
This is the opposing model of the "old crab", aptly

named the "young crab". As with the old crab, this

model was crafted from polygons and smoothed,

and the shell was the most difficult part. I created

it by creating a perfect curve in 3d Studio Max, then

I imported it into maya and extruded a circle along

the curve. This model was built to look considerably

smaller and younger than the "old crab" model, and

the shells were built in a way was supposed to exaggerate their differences.

This is my model of a stylistic cartoon crab. He is
one of two characters that I have been creating for
a short animatic that I have planned and in progress.
This character is currently referred to as "old crab"
until I can formulate a more fitting name for the
character. This model was mostly crafted with
polygons and smoothed because of how much less
complex poly models are. The shell took me the
most time because I tried to balance the ridged
look of a sea shell with the smooth, curvy feel of a
stylistic model.